Track Udon Thani flight arrivals & departures

Check Udon Thani Flight Status
With numerous daily flight arrivals and depatures, Udon Thani airport usually works very smoothly, although flight delays can occur. Bookmark this page for easy reference and use it to track and check the status of flight arrivals and departures from Udon Thani aiport.
The chart below allows you to view updated UTH arrivals or departures on Thai Airways International, Thai Smile, Air Asia, Nok Air, Thai Lion Air, and more. Recorded flights include those to and from Bangkok's two main airports, as well as Phuket, Chiang Mai and Hat Yai airports.
History buffs will be interested to learn that during the Vietnam war, the airport was known as Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base. The American Air Force used it as a forward base for bombing and other raids into Vietnam. However, the airport's most controversial role was serving as the Asian headquarters of Air America, the CIA controlled airline, whose passengers included US President Nixon, and the cargo of which, at times, included opium and heroin.